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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I install it?
Filterbaby is installed in just five steps. No plumber needed. Everything you need comes in the box. You can find our installation step-by-step video here.
Filterbaby comes with a 100% faucet filt guarantee! It is currently compatible with US faucets with a circular removable aerator!
Your kit comes with 10 adaptors to help fit different faucet sizes.
In the case that it doesn't fit, we'll send you a custom adaptor free of charge.
It doesn't fit my sink! What do I do?
We're here to help! We have extra specialty adaptors we can provide for free. Book a live call above.
How easy is it to install?
Super easy! Filterbaby is installed in just five steps. No plumber needed. Everything you need comes in the box.
I'm having trouble removing my sink's aerator!
Most standard sink aerators are easily twistable by hand, if you're having difficulty a wrench or or pliers will do the trick.
Hidden aerators need to be removed using aerator keys which are provided in your starter kit. Accumulated limescale can sometimes make them hard to remove. We recommend tying a Ziploc bag filled with white vinegar around the tip of your faucet and letting it soak for a few hours to help loosen up the debris and ease up the removal process.
If you're still having difficulty please contact us and we're happy to help.
How often do I need to replace the filter?
Every 3 months.
With daily use, your filter needs to be replaced at least once every three months. Depending on your tap water's quality and mineral density, you may need to replace your filter more frequently.